วันอาทิตย์ที่ 8 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2553

What About iPhone 4

Nowaday, if we talk about a mobile phone, I think first time that people think of are the Back Berry or the iPhone . They are technology trend in this present and not know when it out. This technologies are very interesting for many people. They have a lot of function that entertain users very well such as game, internet, music, and etc. For me, I choose the iPhone. It has many variety of function that I'm told you, and about design is very to comfortable to get it. I think iPhone has function better than the Black Berry. In this present, iPhone has an innovation, is a iPhone 4g. It just unveil in June, but it really makes people who brought it disappointed. Because about their signal is very terrible. I can feels, because have many people who brought it complain on the youtube. This is the video problem of iPhone4

In this post, Apple plan to give iPhone 4 users a free case in hopes of satisfying, for solve a signal problems in the iPhone 4. From this problem apple has a press conference at apple's head quarters in Cupertino, Calofornia. About iPhone owners, the Apple will apply for the free bumper, and owners who already purchased a bumper will get a full refund. This free case will until September.

I think is really unfortunately for people who hurry too buy it, but is ok that Apple try too solve this problems. For me, I didn't care about this thing much. About mobile, I only use for call.


