วันอังคารที่ 31 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Thai&Myanmar affects border trade.

I choose this news because this news tell about relation between Thai - Myanmar and friendship bridge. Myanmar is a neighbor of Thailand but relation between Thai - Myanmar is not good now. I think building bridge connect Thai - Myanmar is a good way for improve a relation, and it make transport between Thai - Myanmar is easier. This reason make trading between Thai - Myanmar better.

Thai Deputy Commerce Minister Alongkorn Ponlaboot went to Myanmar for due. Bridge connect Mae Sot - Myawaddy. Thai want to make that area to be a special economic area, and if they can build this bridge, we get valus of border trade countrywide around 140 billion baht per year. Building bridge support this reason. The due will happen on 2010.07.28 and Thai hope this due is success.

In my opinion, I think this bridge make transpot between Thai and Myanmar is easier. This reason may affect to transportation and international trading better. Bacause we can go to Myanmar and go back to Thai easy. Besides of this, the relation between Thai and Myanmar is better too. So politics of Thailand will be relaxing, we have trouble inside Thailand, if relation between Thai and Myanmar better. Thailand politic can reduce trouble and spend time for something else.

วันอังคารที่ 24 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Elephat's Hospital in Thai

Elephant is the symbol animal of Thailand. If you look backward into the Thai history, you will see many story of them. I think this huge animal has a though nearby human. They can sad and happy. Elephant also honest animal. They always serve people such as carry wood, be the transport, and entertrain many things for people, but Nowadays, elephants are used in a wrong way. They are brought to each province for finding money. For exmple, many people bring elephant into cities and use them for money, feeding and go over them. It is problems that directly relates elephant.

This story tells about first establishing elephant hosoital in country's South. In South of Thailand, there are no moblie hospital in South Thailand. It is very bad when elephants have a sick or fever. We can not help or cure elephants and wild animals in forests, it's probably hard. More than 800 elephants work in rubber forests and tourism sites in South of Thailand but South Thailand, there are limited vet services in areas, and many violent situations. so National Elephant Institute that come under the umbrella of the Forest Industry Organisation choose Krabi, it does not have violent situations. Importantly when elephants are injured, they have to go more hundred km for going to mobile clinic.

In my opinion, I think is a good idea to have place to cure this huge animals only. Nowadays, elephant in Thailand decrease than the past. I think it be better to increase the elephant hospital, and give they some fund to improve this project to help the Thai elephants belong Thailand everylasting.


Oil Exploration at Samui

Thailand is the beautiful country that have many precious environment and resource. We use them to do many benificial for country. You can say it's a heart of country, because if we don't have them I don't know how is Thailand will be. I think my country is really green. We have a lot of forests and mountains, including sea, lake and river, and some each of them are attractive many people to be the tourism place of country. Nowadays, they were damaged by the prograss things such as new buildings, new tourism place and etc. Anything that I told you will bring a lot of people, and it tent to be really worst for environment.

This news tells about the Energy Ministry Wannarat Charnnukul and government can not accept four oil exploration concessions off Samui island because concessions do not practice or improve conducting that may have some effect to law or cause environment damaged. The information come from people who live in Samui and against concessions. They think concessions concern about economic and environmental damage. The four firm who have concessions are Chevron (Thailand), Salamander Energy (Bualuang), Nucoastal (Thailand) and Pearl Oil (Amata).

In my opinion, I agree them for oppose the oil exploration concessions, because it will damage many gorgeous environment in Thailand. Environment and resource, They are the heart of my country. They have many benificial to my country such a forests, river, sea , and the last reason that if they were damaged it will be use along time to restore them.

วันอังคารที่ 17 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Thailand Fashion Expo

From the political unrest on April and May 2010. It makes many detrimental affect to over businesses and economy in Thailand, but in this post I want to talk about only department store around Siam area that affected from this situation. They are the part of tourism place in the middle of Bangkok. The affect is have many employee including owners brand that rent place in the department store were income statement. Cause they can't sell any products. Nowadays, I notice that have many shop and store that they ever stay are disappear aftrer stress political situation.

In this stoty, the Thailand Fashion Expo in October is expected to help further improve business in the Ratchaprasong area of central Bangkok as it recovers from the political unrest of April and May.The Commerce Ministry will join with CentralWorld, Siam Paragon and leading local brand owners to stage the event from Oct 20-26.With 50 million baht in government funding, it will include business matchmaking between domestic brands and foreign buyers, and exhibitions of leading local products.

In my opinion, I think this event is really helpful to hurriedly restore all businesses in Thai including Thai economy that get affect from political unrest. I want to see Siam back to jolly like in the past.


Green Hotel at Samui

Nowadays, you will see many products or places that are support to save or cure world from global warming.Is a trend or fashion. I think is a wonderful idea to convince people turn to realize about this situation. You can see many product that use a material that easily to decay, and the intersting one is to build the building to save an energy such a green archtecture, sustain architecture and ECO design. This all the style and ways to help environment too

Going green can help small hotels survive in a tough market. Fair House Villas and Spa on Koh Samui has taken a number of steps toward environmental friendliness and has won the acceptance of international tourists and tour agents, especially from Europe.The main objectives of the project are to manage waste, reduce the use of plastic, save energy, plant vegetables, expand green areas, and have more non-smoking areas.Fair House has received an Asean Green Hotel Award in 2010, an Award of Excellence for Resort Hotel Tourist Accommodation (fewer than 80 rooms) by the Tourism Authority of Thailand, and three Green Leaves Awards.

In my opinion, I think this hotel can be the example to many building that going to construct soon. This build not be endanger with environment and also save money and energy.

Thailand-Koh Samui from midimaster on Vimeo.


วันเสาร์ที่ 14 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2553

The Problem of Over Life

Before this post "Time To Serious" , I just told you a little about the affect of global warming. It affects to over life in the world. It changes temperatures of the world .Then it also change the ways of creature their live around their area. Which animals that can't adjust to live in different ways. They are almost die. and it will affect to economy chain

From this post, the researchers suggest that many harlequin frog species across Central and South Africa have disappeared due to deadly infectious disease spurred by changing water and air temperatures. Global warming is wreaking havoc on amphibians and will cause staggering losses of biodiversity if we don't do something fast." Biodiversity refers to the number of species in a given area. It is often used to gauge the health of an ecosystem
In my opinion, I not any new idea , but from the news I think it's really to be dangerous if one species is extinction, it will affects and changes many life in the future. I think so.

Time To Serious

Global warming is the situation that everyone in the world have to know about it. It makes a lot of problem affect over the world. This situation is a responsbilitiy of everyone should to know and realize about it. I saw many scientist or researchers came to describe about affect of global warming. Firstly, people are pay attention of them very well. But after that, most people are really forgot and ignore them. I think people will realize and serious about this situation when it happen closely them.

From this post, Global climate change is partly to blame for the abnormarlly hot and dry weather in Moscow . Cloaked in a haze of smog from wildfires, and it tend to extreme heat and wildfires have to a blanket of many over Moscow. The UK met office said there are likely to be more extreme hight temperatures in the future. The researcher, Jeff Knight said We have to get ready to fight such fires in the future because there is a great possibility that such a summer will be repeated. This tendency won't stop in the coming 40 years or so, until the greenhouse gas emissions are reduced.

In my opinion, I think we could to prepare or do everything that tent to reduce the globle warming or not make it to be increase. Before it too late to solve. We could to help world now.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 8 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Gamerizon's Chop Chop series

Eveyone who has a products of Apple such an iPod, iPad or iPhone, well-know a function of their game is very enjoyable. I play a lot of game in an iPhone is very entertain me very well. I think most their games are very create, they have to think for play each their game such game to manage restaurant, game try to across a land and etc. I thinks all this game are beneficial than game that have to fight or kill some one.

In this post, The Gamerizon just release a new sport games for iPhone, iPod and iPad. Is name Chop Chop soccer. The fourth game in the series. It's little more then single player soccer with 3 man teams, but it's a blast. This game also play in online , and it will record when you won or lose. Even without it, Chop Chop Soccer is well worth the 99-cent launch price.

I think who has an iPod, iPhone or iPad could to try this game. Is very interesting and looks very fun.


What About iPhone 4

Nowaday, if we talk about a mobile phone, I think first time that people think of are the Back Berry or the iPhone . They are technology trend in this present and not know when it out. This technologies are very interesting for many people. They have a lot of function that entertain users very well such as game, internet, music, and etc. For me, I choose the iPhone. It has many variety of function that I'm told you, and about design is very to comfortable to get it. I think iPhone has function better than the Black Berry. In this present, iPhone has an innovation, is a iPhone 4g. It just unveil in June, but it really makes people who brought it disappointed. Because about their signal is very terrible. I can feels, because have many people who brought it complain on the youtube. This is the video problem of iPhone4

In this post, Apple plan to give iPhone 4 users a free case in hopes of satisfying, for solve a signal problems in the iPhone 4. From this problem apple has a press conference at apple's head quarters in Cupertino, Calofornia. About iPhone owners, the Apple will apply for the free bumper, and owners who already purchased a bumper will get a full refund. This free case will until September.

I think is really unfortunately for people who hurry too buy it, but is ok that Apple try too solve this problems. For me, I didn't care about this thing much. About mobile, I only use for call.
